Monday, September 26, 2011

Maxwell House Coffee is Back!

The Maxwell House Hotel was a legendary Nashville landmark, reigning from the late 1860's until it was destroyed by fire in 1961. The coffee served at the Maxwell House Hotell became so reknowned that it was marketed across the USA and became the number one selling coffee in the country throughout most of the 20th century. For those of us who grew up in the 1950's and 60's, the TV commercials for the coffee were ubiquitous and the coffee delicious. Then, in the late part of the century, the coffee was neglected and the quality suffered, scattering loyal Maxwell House coffee drinkers to other brands. Sadly, for the past two decades the coffee has suffered as an afterthought, a price driven low quality brew. This week, I decided to try Maxwell House again, having heard that Kraft, the new owners, were attempting to improve the quality of the product. Hooray! It was delicious! No longer tasting like 'turnpike coffee', the Mexwell House brand has reclaimed a former loyal customer.